Joey Hofstede – Hotel & Wellness ZUIVER

My name is Joey Hofstede. Born and raised in Amsterdam, and came into contact with sports early on as a little boy. Since I had energy for 10, this was a great way to use it. The sport that attracted me the most was boxing. After 5 years of boxing I noticed that I enjoyed coaching people more and more. I decided to study sports and exercise and noticed the love for guiding people to a personal goal in life. Training people safely and effectively is a priority for me. But what I like best about my profession is that after exercising, people always walk out the door with a smile, a good feeling and a dose of self-confidence.

My vision:

  • Fun
  • Quality
  • Motivation and inspiration
  • Personal attention
  • Expert and honest advice
  • Long-term results

What can I do for you:

Do you want to work on a fit and healthy life where you feel a little bit better in your fierceness every time after exercising. Then I am the person who would like to help you with that.

Through strength training, boxing training and PHP nutritional guidance I guide you to your desired goals and we work together to achieve your maximum result.


Sports and exercise
HVA certified personal trainer
NASM (National academy of sports medicine)
KNKF certified fitness trainer
Certified boxing trainer
Personal hormonal profiling

Contact me

Open chat
Bereikbaar van 10:00 - 17:00 uur
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