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Hammam Deluxe 60 min
Price: from €93.00

According to Eastern traditions, aimed at ultimate cleanliness.

In the hammam you bathe according to Eastern traditions, aimed at ultimate purity. In the warm surroundings of a steam room, you slowly prepare for this special bathing ritual, which begins with a thorough exfoliation treatment and lathering with Turkish olive soap.

After scrubbing with a special glove, a relaxing warm water ritual follows, followed by soaping with a traditional soap bag. Then your hair is washed with delicious olive soap. 

- Sensation shower 
- Private steam room 
- Warm granite tables 
- Water rituals 
- Whole body scrub 
- Soaping with olive oil soap 
- Your hair is washed 
- Scented sensation during facial massage 
- Fragrant cup of Rituals tea with Turkish fruit  


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